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June 27, 2005

Recording of the third part of the meeting

The third session is now available. It's 53 minutes long and takes up about 24MB.

This is the "Open Source Technical Discussion" session with Novell's Nat Friedman and Miguel de Icaza. If you are interested in starting an Open Source project, or understanding how one is organized, this should be very helpful.

To listen to this, download it to your computer and play it. To download it, right-click on the link below, choose "Save Target As..." (or "Save Link As...", or "Download Linked File As...", depending upon your browser), and specify a location on your computer (such as in your "My Music" directory). Use your computer's music player software to listen to the file (on many machines you can just double-click on the filename), or load the file onto an MP3 player (such as the Apple iPod) for listening while you walk, exercise, etc.

If you tell other people about this file, send them to this posting and not directly to the URL of the MP3 file since it may be moved in the future. If you think you will send lots of people there to download (like more than 1,000) I'd appreciate it if you'd mirror it somewhere else, too, and link there (but let us know about it).

Recording of the third part of the kickoff meeting: www.peapodcast.com/msc-oss-sig/MSC-OSS-SIG-KickOff-3.MP3

For a list of all the recordings, associated slides, etc., see the wiki page for this meeting.

Posted by danb at June 27, 2005 11:18 PM