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December 02, 2005

Open Source and the Enterprise meeting

The SIG held a meeting December 1, 2005, at PTC's Visitor Center titled "Open Source and the Enterprise: Enterprise Adoption". The meeting had two parts. The first was a presentation by Nicholas Gall, VP and Distinguished Analyst at Gartner Research. He talked about OSS, the current state, and trends. It was a preview of a talk to be given at Gartner's Summit the following week. The second part covered user experiences, with presentations by Julie Atkins, Director of IT Operations and Info Security of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, and Michael Askew and Charles Pickelhaupt of Fidelity Investments' Center for Applied Technology. In both cases there were very lively give and take with the 30-40 people in the audience.

The two parts were recorded.

The second part is available today, and the second should be available next week after Gartner's Summit meeting (we don't want to steal their thunder releasing the details of the predictions Nick told us).

You will find a link to the recording on the wiki on the "Open Source and the Enterprise: Enterprise Adoption" page.

Posted by danb at December 2, 2005 12:23 PM